Distant Seichim Reiki

Seichim Reiki is a powerful yet non-invasive form of energy healing. Distant Seichim Reiki is applied using symbol and sigil methods to send universal healing energy to you, wherever you are, anywhere in the world. We request that you lie down in a quiet place for the duration of your appointment. Many clients report falling into a deeply relaxed and healing state within a few minutes. Some have spontaneous lucid visionary journeys with Phiona, which she has become known for transmitting.

Schedule Reiki Session

Seichim Reiki is excellent for:

Pain – physical or emotional

Recovery – from trauma or illness

Feeling out of sorts

Cultivating insight into your own body-mind communications

Harmonizing your body – mind – heart – energy

Healing support for medical conditions, or injuries

Research on hands-on healing and its distant form reveals that it can regulate the nervous, immune, and limbic systems in the body, plus more.

You will receive a fluid combination of Distant Seichim Reiki, with possible counseling according to what is required in the session.

Each 60 or 90-minute Distant Reiki session includes 20 ish minutes of counseling at the end. If you are booking a distant consult, it will require that you lie down, during your appointment time, somewhere uninterrupted. For the last 20-30 minutes of the session, Phiona will call you using zoom, and discuss with you what she has perceived during your healing. The discussion works like a form of counseling & the communication completes the integration process of energy healing and balancing. You will need to have zoom available for the call during your session and she will email you a meeting link to connect with you there when the session begins.

Anyone can book Seichim Reiki appointments, without having prior appointments with Phiona.

Distant Seichim Reiki sessions can be purchased in 60 or 90-minute increments.

60 minutes $170 / 90 minutes $233.

Schedule Reiki Session